Heineken South Africa

Heineken International’s products are brewed at Sedibeng Brewery and available throughout South Africa.
The range includes:
Heineken, Amstel, Amstel Lite, Amstel Radler, Windhoek, Tafel Lager, Jack Black, Soweto Gold, Camelthorn, Stellenbrau and Strongbow Cider.

If Heineken is slow in responding, rather buy their brands from one of the following wholesalers:

Durban : Durban North Liquor Distributors
Gauteng: Captains Liquor Distributors

YOU CAN ODER HEINEKEN ONLINE AT https://foodsupply.co.za/za/suppliers/heineken-south-africa/

DrinksWorld is not affiliated with Heinken South Africa please do not contact us for your orders or delivery queries.